Na Zi Fa (10-day cycle based on heavenly stems)

The Na Jia Fa method uses the stem of the day to calculate the open 5-phase points during the different zodiacal double-hours. In this method each stem of the day is connected to a specific Zang Fu-organ:


Jia (S01) Yi (S02) Bing (S03) Ding (S04) Wu (S05) Ji (S06) Geng (S07) Xin (S08) Ren (S09) Gui (S10)


To calculate the open points for a double hour, the following rules have to be followed:

  • Open points always begin with the Jing Well point of the channel in charge of a given day on the first double hour. (important: the first double hour doesn’t open on the first daily branch but on the last Yang double hour of the 1st day S01-B11 or the last Yin double hour of the 1st day S01-B10)
  • Open points follow the sequence of the five element Sheng-cycle (wood > fire > earth > metal > water) combined with the sequence of the Shu transporting points.(Jing-Well > Ying-Spring > Shu-stream > Jing-River > He-Sea)
  • Yang points are only open on Yang days during Yang double hours. Yin points are only open on Yin days during Yin double hours. During double hours in between no points are open.
  • The end of each sequence is closed by a Triple burner point on Yang days and a Pericardium point on Yin days. These points act as a transition from one to the next sequence  Triple burner controls all Qi and feeds all Yang meridians in a clockwise order, Pericardium controls all Blood feeds all Yin meridians in a counterclockwise order. Jing Well points of the Triple burner on S09 days and of the Pericardium on the S10 are not used. Only the Jing Well points of the the channel on duty on that day.
  • On a stem S10 day the kidney is in charge, but does not open untill the last Yin branch of the day. This is the cause for a gap between a gap between B01 and B12 on stem day S10
  • During the double houirs that no points are open, the husband-wife rule or rule of the unlike Qi is used for secondary choice substitutes for open points. (between brackets)
  • If any Shu-stream point is open, also the Yuan Source point of the meridian in charge is used.

In the Na Jia Fa 10-day cycle the following points are open at this moment:
























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