Timespan | Meridian | Luo point | Coupled Yuan point |
03:00-05:00 | Lung | LU-7 | LI-4 |
05:00-07:00 | Large Intestine | LI-6 | LU-9 |
07:00-09:00 | Stomach | ST-40 | SP-3 |
09:00-11:00 | Spleen | SP-4 | ST-42 |
11:00-13:00 | Heart | HT-5 | SI-4 |
13:00-15:00 | Small Intestine | SI-7 | HT-7 |
15:00-17:00 | Urinary Bladder | UB-58 | KI-3 |
17:00-19:00 | Kidney | KI-4 | UB-64 |
19:00-21:00 | Pericardium | PC-6 | TB-4 |
21:00-23:00 | Triple Burner | TB-5 | PC-7 |
23:00-01:00 | Gall Bladder | GB-37 | LR-3 |
01:00-03:00 | Liver | LR-5 | GB-40 |
Na Zi Fa - Luo points combined with coupled Yuan points
To enhance the action of the Luo Connecting point of the open meridian, it can be combined with the Yuan Source point of the internally-externally coupled meridian. In this way a transverse connection between Yin and Yang meridian pairs is made. This forms a very effective combination.
Between 23:00 and 01:00 local solartime the Gall Bladder meridian is open.
The Luo Connecting point of the Gall Bladder meridian is GB-37. The internally-externally coupled meridian is Liver. It's Yuan Source point LR-3 and is combined with GB-37.
Between 23:00 and 01:00 local solartime the Gall Bladder meridian is open.
The Luo Connecting point of the Gall Bladder meridian is GB-37. The internally-externally coupled meridian is Liver. It's Yuan Source point LR-3 and is combined with GB-37.