Timespan | Meridian | Luo Conn. point |
03:00-05:00 | Lung | LU-7 |
05:00-07:00 | Large Intestine | LI-6 |
07:00-09:00 | Stomach | ST-40 |
09:00-11:00 | Spleen | SP-4 |
11:00-13:00 | Heart | HT-5 |
13:00-15:00 | Small Intestine | SI-7 |
15:00-17:00 | Urinary Bladder | UB-58 |
17:00-19:00 | Kidney | KI-4 |
19:00-21:00 | Pericardium | PC-6 |
21:00-23:00 | Triple Burner | TB-5 |
23:00-01:00 | Gall Bladder | GB-37 |
01:00-03:00 | Liver | LR-5 |
Na Zi Fa - Luo Connecting points
Luo Connecting points are the points where the meridian splits off from the main channel, making a transverse connection with the Yuan Source point of the coupled meridian.
Luo Connecting points can be used to drain excessive Qi or replenish deficient Qi. Luo Connecting points
are very effective in treating emtional conditions.
Between 03:00 and 05:00 local solartime the Lung meridian is open.
The Luo Connecting point of the Lung meridian is LU-7.
Modern Application
Luo Connecting points are often used together with the Yuan Source point of the coupled meridian. Luo Connecting points on the Yin meridians absorb Qi from the coupled Yuan Source point on their coupled Yang meridian. Using Luo Connecting points on the Yang meridians in combination with the Yuan Source point on their Yin counterpart is used merely to balance Qi between the two meridians.
A special use of the Luo Connecting points is the combination with the Yuan Source point of the meridian that is opposite of the open meridian in the Zi Wu cycle.
This approach is very effective in the treatment of acute excessive conditions like migraine and vomiting.